The Recipe For Making Dry fruits Oats bhel.
You can make Dry fruits Oats bhel using 11 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Dry fruits Oats bhel
- Prepare 1 cup of rolled oats.
- Insert 3 of tbspoons almonds.
- Fill 2 of tbspoon cashews.
- Prepare 2 of tbspoon pistachios.
- Insert 1/2 cup of fried noodles.
- Prepare 2 of tbspoon rose syrup.
- Fill 3 of tbspoons tutti fruti.
- Prepare 1/2 of tspoon cinnamon powder.
- Fill 2 of tbspoon Bournvita powder.
- Insert 2 of tbspoon white and dark chocolate grated.
- Insert 1 of chocolate cream biscuit.
Quick Step To Make Dry fruits Oats bhel
- Dry roast oats for five minutes.soak almonds for 3 hours. Chop all dry fruits..
- Mix all ingredients well.add rose syrup, cinnamon powder,grated chocolate.mix well and serve. Just amazing taste.I didn't get icecream can serve with cones. If you like add chat masala..
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That's how to make Dry fruits Oats bhel Recipe.