The Recipe For Making Pinangat na Isda (Philippine poached fish).
You can make Pinangat na Isda (Philippine poached fish) using 7 ingredients in 5 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Pinangat na Isda (Philippine poached fish)
- Prepare 1/2 kg of fish (I used asuhos/kisu).
- Prepare 3 of medium tomatoes cut in wedges.
- Insert 8 of kamias (A. bilimbi) fruits (or add two more tomatoes).
- Prepare 1 of medium onion, chopped.
- Mix 2 cloves of garlic.
- Add of salt and pepper.
- Add 1 tsp of fish sauce (patis) optional.
Easy Way To Make Pinangat na Isda (Philippine poached fish)
- In a large pot, arrange the fish..
- Add tomatoes and kamias (if using).
- Add garlic, onion, salt, pepper, and fish sauce (if using).
- Cover with water (I used a bit too much in the picture). Bring to a boil at medium heat. Lower the heat to medium low and simmer for 20–30 minutes or until the tomatoes, kamias, and onions are soft and have given up their flavour..
- Serve with steamed rice and fish sauce with labuyo chilli for dipping..
That's how to make Pinangat na Isda (Philippine poached fish) Recipe.